Middle Ages

War of the Roses - 28MM - Dunnam Collection

War of the Roses - 28MM - GM: Jim Dunnam

Finally getting my 1st Crusades project nearer to completion. This is a great example of my A.D.D. and O.C.D. The figures were all painted about 5 years ago and I started basing the Crusaders. Then I ran into a mental block about how to organize the Muslim units, particularly the horse. “What’s a Mamluk fig?” “What’s a Ghulmen?” “What’s a medium cav without bows?” On and on. Then I decided I did not like the lead spears and wanted to replace them with wires, resulting in my totally screwing up some hands, etc, so I just put it all on the shelf. In the meantime, I developed a total inability to use SuperGlue. After it put me in the E.R. not able to breathe, I had to stop. 20 years of using it, then one allergic reaction, now I can’t be around it at all. Luckily a local gamer volunteered to help repair all the damage I had caused and I got a better handle on what’s what for the Muslim army. The figures are based for Shattered Lances, but can be used for about anything. The OOB was also derived from Shattered Lances army lists. While the final basing/flocking/sanding is not complete, we did a fairly large game at the MillenniumCon in Austin. Here are a few shots of that: